Author Topic: Throwing a topic out to everyone here: Mary Sue's and Farscape  (Read 15814 times)

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Re: Throwing a topic out to everyone here: Mary Sue's and Farscape
« Reply #25 on: December 02, 2008, 07:46:55 PM »
I will read anything that is a good a story.  Granted with Farscape I do prefer it to stick to cannon but am not adverse to reading an AU fanfic as long as it makes sense in my head.  Having said that I can say I have read some stuff that wasn't my cup of tea but have never told the writer they should stop writing.  Like Sybil I just stop reading and move on.  I think writing fanfiction in particular Farscape fanfiction can be stressful.  At least for me that is.  I have not written much but I do labor over whether or not it sounds right, does it make sense etc...and let's face it when you post something out there on the boards you are opening yourself up for criticism.  Constructive criticism I welcome with open arms. 

Mary Sue?  I have never heard of that either... :-[

I think it could be fun to add some elements of your life into a story providing it doesn't take a dramactic turn where the reader gets completely lost. 

Mary Sue has been around as long as fan fic has been written.  You're right.  Writing fan fic can be very stressful, for various reasons.  I can't stand the stories myself and refuse to read them, so reading the challenge Crash described will be difficult.  Or maybe not....
Ben/John/Cam are sex in leather.

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Re: Throwing a topic out to everyone here: Mary Sue's and Farscape
« Reply #26 on: December 04, 2008, 04:31:31 AM »
I am anxious to see what you come up with Crash. 


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Offline Domino

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Re: Throwing a topic out to everyone here: Mary Sue's and Farscape
« Reply #27 on: December 05, 2008, 02:46:48 AM »
Me too!!
Ben/John/Cam are sex in leather.

I love the pairing of Cam Mitchell and John Sheppard.

Offline Nette

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Re: Throwing a topic out to everyone here: Mary Sue's and Farscape
« Reply #28 on: December 30, 2008, 09:11:47 AM »
Well I knew if I poked around I would find some more treasures.  I had never heard of a "Mary Sue" either so was very intrigued when I saw the topic. So now I am more informed regarding forms of writing than I was an hour ago.  Thank you everybody for the fascinating discussion I have just read.

My own preference in reading Farscape is usually canon but I agree if you don't like a story...stop reading it. 

I don't think I could write a story to save my life so I am in awe of people that can so I say write for yourself Domino and don't let others try and force their own emotions into your story telling.

Crash I look forward to your "Mary Sue" story    ;)


Offline Domino

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Re: Throwing a topic out to everyone here: Mary Sue's and Farscape
« Reply #29 on: December 31, 2008, 01:13:42 AM »
Well I knew if I poked around I would find some more treasures.  I had never heard of a "Mary Sue" either so was very intrigued when I saw the topic. So now I am more informed regarding forms of writing than I was an hour ago.  Thank you everybody for the fascinating discussion I have just read.

My own preference in reading Farscape is usually canon but I agree if you don't like a story...stop reading it. 

I don't think I could write a story to save my life so I am in awe of people that can so I say write for yourself Domino and don't let others try and force their own emotions into your story telling.

Crash I look forward to your "Mary Sue" story    ;)


Thanks Nette!

I know the person who told me to stop wasn't saying it in a mean way.  I know her and at first, I was a bit miffed.  After a moments thought, I put what I knew of this person and what I felt about why I wrote fics, and realized she really didn't mean to offend.  It was just her way of telling me how she felt.  She's a great author in her own right and a sensitive person. 

And I do write to please myself.  If anyone else wants to come along for the ride, "the more's the merrier!"
Ben/John/Cam are sex in leather.

I love the pairing of Cam Mitchell and John Sheppard.

Offline Nette

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Re: Throwing a topic out to everyone here: Mary Sue's and Farscape
« Reply #30 on: December 31, 2008, 02:10:54 AM »
Thanks Nette!

I know the person who told me to stop wasn't saying it in a mean way.  I know her and at first, I was a bit miffed.  After a moments thought, I put what I knew of this person and what I felt about why I wrote fics, and realized she really didn't mean to offend.  It was just her way of telling me how she felt.  She's a great author in her own right and a sensitive person. 

And I do write to please myself.  If anyone else wants to come along for the ride, "the more's the merrier!"

Good for you Domino.  If you enjoy writing keep on doing it jirl!!!!

It has been awhile since I have read fan fics but I have some of your stories so will seek them out and read them again.


Offline Domino

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Re: Throwing a topic out to everyone here: Mary Sue's and Farscape
« Reply #31 on: January 01, 2009, 03:24:59 AM »
Good for you Domino.  If you enjoy writing keep on doing it jirl!!!!

It has been awhile since I have read fan fics but I have some of your stories so will seek them out and read them again.


Thank you!  Have fun reading them as I had fun writing them.  I have to get back into it, but it seems these days all I want to do is sleep...  working too much and too much school...
Ben/John/Cam are sex in leather.

I love the pairing of Cam Mitchell and John Sheppard.