Have you written anything about John's rape in one of your partially written stories? You seem to steer clear of that subject or have I missed one of your stories? Ben did say that the rape affected how John saw the PK all the way to PKW. I don't think it is something that John would ever tell Aeryn. He is good at keeping the hard stuff packed away in his heart. Aeryn knew about his father but not about his mom until season 4.
I have read stories where John tells Aeryn and it just doesn't seem right to me. I can't imagine him doing that but I it did change him.
Have more to say but gotta go get ready to go to the dentist.
Short answer: No, I haven't.
Long answer: I've kind of danced around the issue here and there. I was able to tackle it outright in Cholak's Demon because I went AU and Aeryn actually saw it, so John couldn't keep it a secret. I envision some of John's rage in Inferno being generated by the rape. It doesn't matter that he's beating Scorpius; he's letting out every bit of anger and hurt that he has suffered at the hands of the Peacekeepers. And I played with some foreshadowing in Indoctrination.
I think part of the reason I've stayed away from the issue is because I'm always aware that the creators/writers were a bit shocked at the fan reaction over those scenes.
From Grayza's point of view, this was not rape. The Peacekeepers are so pragmatic about "reducing fluid levels", and so emotionally detached from the concept that recreating might have something to do with love and passion, that I can see how they would not consider this rape. I don't agree with it!!

What it does is terminally confuses how I want to handle the entire issue.
I agree with you concerning whether John would willingly tell Aeryn. My vision of how he would handle that shows up in Inferno, and I think it is probably in line with what you are saying. He desperately wants Aeryn with him for support when he talks to the Eidelons, and can't stand the idea of having to say certain things in front of her. I think he will have to include the rape in his explanation in order to make them understand his level of rage, and I think if Aeryn is listening that he would stop short and possibly wind up in a mess because he hasn't explained everything. I could see the Eidelons deciding he really is criminally insane, things going very 'pear-shaped', and then in a fast, frustrated, desperate effort to resolve the situation, John finally blurting it all out.
Unfortunately, I'm never going to write that one.
I'm not coming out until all those people put down those frying pans!!! /

Instead, you've given me a highly energetic plot bunny. I'll just add it to the heap of "to be written" stories.